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and Bible
Study Groups

Church is more than a two-hour gathering on a Sunday. Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life together. 


As disciples of Jesus, we make it our aim to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Through teachingpractice, community, and the Holy Spirit, we are learning what it means to be a disciple of Jesus - together. As the family of God, we take time each week to study Scripture, pray, worship, and encourage one another. 


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Horizon Kids

At Horizon Church, our children's ministry is an exciting and vital ministry.  It is a launching pad for nurturing the faith of the next generation.  Horizon Kids serves as a place of prayer for children, a place where they hear foundational Bible stories, and a place where children learn simple Biblical truth statements.  

We consider it a great privilege and responsibility to reach and teach these little ones for Him!  

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."


New here? Please visit our Horizon Kids station to meet our staff and check your child in.


Awana is an after school program geared towards discipling children ages 4-13. Each Monday night, students will gather for songs and worship, and then split up for games - teaching - and bible memorization. 


This is an amazing activity for kids to begin learning the foundations of the Bible, make good friends, and have some fun! 


The ministry is always looking for volunteers to help serve! Some ages are capped, so if you're interested in sending your student- please reach out for more information. There are curriculum and attire that is needed for children to begin. 

Horizon Youth

Jesus’ ministry on earth was spent hanging out with a rag tag team of 12 teenagers that changed the course of human history. At Horizon Church we seek to train and equip leaders to follow in Jesus’ footsteps as they are encouraged to walk with youth in our community. We believe if today’s youth are given a space to encounter God in an authentic way, then they too can impact the world for God’s Kingdom. 


Our youth meets every Thursdays at 5:00PM in the Youth Room Upstairs. Our meeting time is a mix of English and Spanish. 


Have questions? Contact our Youth Director, Aaron Hunt for more info. 

Email Aaron Hunt at

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Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry is a way for women to connect.  There are various men's bible studies and groups that meet throughout the week. There are also other service, fellowship, and retreat opportunities throughout the year. Contact Todd Yancey at for more information on ways to get involved or serve on this team. 

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry is a way for women to connect.  There are various women's bible studies and groups that meet throughout the week. There are also other service, fellowship, and retreat opportunities throughout the year. Contact Sarah Barrett at for more information on ways to get involved or serve on this team. 

Worship + Tech Ministry

Our vision for worship is to create an environment where people can encounter the Living God. We strive to do this through prayer, worship, giving, and the study of God's Word.  We believe that anyone who truly comes to know God will love God and express that love for Him. We are always looking for members to join our team! Both for worship and tech. Please reach out to Carlos Herrera at to learn about how to join this team. 

Weekly Activities for Worship


Every Sunday at 9am & 10:30am


Burrito Ministry

Burrito Ministry is an outreach ministry that meets weekly. There are two components: making and preparing breakfast burritos and then distributing them to those homeless on the streets. It's been a huge impact for the homeless community and a great way for these men to get plugged into the Finca de Esperanza Rehab for Hope and discipleship. 


All volunteers are welcome to join on Monday mornings beginning at 7:30am for prep. Afterwards a group will then head into the town to distribute, connect, and pray. 

Centro Prenatal

Centro Prenatal is a non profit organization that a location on the Horizon Church Campus. The organization seeks to disciple, support, and equip mothers in need. Each mother will go through training, receiving encouragement and information, learn about God's heart for motherhood, and earn ways to gather supplies needed for the birth and baby. 

We are always looking for volunteers to help with this organization: whether that is through mentorship, administration, or simply by donating baby items. 

Translation Team

We offer live translation in all of our Sunday gatherings. For those with the gift of speaking both Spanish and English bilingually, we do welcome you to consider serving on the translation team. We are always looking for translators to help with the sermon and other special announcements. 


Horizon Church is an International Church located in Jacó, Costa Rica.  Our vision is to know God and make Him known in Jacó and around the world. We exist to know God, love God, and serve God. 


Service at 9:00am & 10:30am on Sundays


506 - 8492-6816


Calle Gemelas

200 meters north of Costa Linda,

Jaco, Costa Rica

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© 2019 by Horizon Church Jaco

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